Back To: Saline | Criminal Behavior Reduction Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to advise and assist the Saline County Commissioners' efforts to provide appropriate and cost effective interventions to prevent criminal behaviors as well as providing appropriate sanctions that effectively correct criminal behaviors while preserving bed space in the Saline County Jail, and report to the Saline County Board of County Commissioners on a periodic basis. All actions taken or addressed by this committee are advisory in nature and subject to the final approval of the Saline County BOCC.
The responsibilities of the Saline County Committee for Reducing Criminal Behavior shall include:
Committee By-Laws
Monte Shadwick - County Commissioner Jack Sheahon - Committee Member, Defense Attorney Debora Cox - Committee Member, Mental Health Cheryl Calhoun - Committee Member, Substance Abuse Julie McKenna - Committee Member, Interested Citizen
The purpose of the Committee is to advise and assist the Saline County Commissioners' efforts to provide appropriate and cost-effective interventions to prevent criminal behaviors.