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Citizen Academy

The Saline County Sheriff's Office and the Salina Police Department jointly offer a Citizen's Academy. Sheriff Roger Soldan and Chief of Police Brad Nelson believe a community and government partnership is important to providing services and meeting the needs of a growing city and county population. When the community and law enforcement become cooperation partners, they form a powerful alliance, capable of addressing community issues and concerns. The Citizen's Academy is part of a continuing program designed to 1) acquaint citizens with law enforcement's practices and services and 2) acquaint officers with concerns and perceptions of the community.

The mission of the Citizen's Academy is to build a better understanding between citizens and law enforcement through education and positive interaction.

If you are interested in more information, contact the Saline County Sheriff's Office at (785) 826-6500, or the Training Unit of the Salina Police Department at (785) 826-7210.

In addition, we offer an advanced Citizen's Academy to persons who have graduated from our Citizens Academy.

  • Minimum age of 21 years
  • Live or work in Saline County, Kansas
  • No felony convictions
  • No misdemeanor arrest within one year of application

  • Citizen Academy Application

    The Saline County Sheriff's Office and the Salina Police Department jointly offer a Citizen's Academy. Learn more today. 

    Department Sheriff Office

    The Saline County Sheriff's Office and the Salina Police Department jointly offer a Citizen's Academy. Sheriff Roger Soldan and Chief of Police Brad Nelson believe a community and government partnership is important to providing services and meeting the needs of a growing city and county population. When the community and law enforcement become cooperation partners, they form a powerful alliance, capable of addressing community issues and concerns. The Citizen's Academy is part of a continuing program designed to 1) acquaint citizens with law enforcement's practices and services and 2) acquaint officers with concerns and perceptions of the community.

    The mission of the Citizen's Academy is to build a better understanding between citizens and law enforcement through education and positive interaction.

    If you are interested in more information, contact the Saline County Sheriff's Office at (785) 826-6500, or the Training Unit of the Salina Police Department at (785) 826-7210.

    In addition, we offer an advanced Citizen's Academy to persons who have graduated from our Citizens Academy.

  • Minimum age of 21 years
  • Live or work in Saline County, Kansas
  • No felony convictions
  • No misdemeanor arrest within one year of application

  • Citizen Academy Application

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