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Fireworks Permits

Permits are required for fireworks stands in the unincorporated areas of Saline County – A complete fireworks stand application with all required documents must be submitted to this office by the end of business on May 20th each year. A Conditional Use Permit is required for any stand that may be considered permanent, i.e., everything other than a tent. CUPs must be applied for about 60 days prior because of the need to advertise and hold a meeting of the Planning Commission Board for consideration. The application for fireworks stands, instructions, safety tips, and other requirements are found in the documents of this website.

Fireworks Stand Instructions
Fireworks Stand Application
Fireworks Stand Safety Tips
Fireworks Stand Final Inspection

Permits are required for fireworks stands in the unincorporated areas of Saline County. Review instructions, application, safety tips, and inspection information. 

Department Planning and Zoning

Permits are required for fireworks stands in the unincorporated areas of Saline County – A complete fireworks stand application with all required documents must be submitted to this office by the end of business on May 20th each year. A Conditional Use Permit is required for any stand that may be considered permanent, i.e., everything other than a tent. CUPs must be applied for about 60 days prior because of the need to advertise and hold a meeting of the Planning Commission Board for consideration. The application for fireworks stands, instructions, safety tips, and other requirements are found in the documents of this website.

Fireworks Stand Instructions
Fireworks Stand Application
Fireworks Stand Safety Tips
Fireworks Stand Final Inspection

Fireworks Permits
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