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Field bindweed is a creeping perennial from Europe. A member of the Morning glory family, it reproduces not only by seed but by its horizontal roots as well. The root system and rhizomes are extensive, white in color, and fleshy. Field bindweed stems are prostrate (grows low to the ground) and twining, smooth, and can grow up to 6 feet long. Leaves are 1 to 2 inches long and are distinguishable by their arrow-head shape. Flowers are rounded and white to pale pink in color. The flowers are about ¾ to 1 inch broad. Seeds are pearl-shaped, dull, and brown in color. One plant can produce anywhere between 30 and 200 seeds, the number produced is variable on environmental conditions.
Apply in spring when the plant is in the bud stage or in fall after 12 inches of new growth.
Apply as broadcast or spot treatment to actively growing plants after crop harvest and before killing frost. See label for cropping limitations.
Apply to pasture, rangeland, cropland, and noncropland areas. Follow label directions and note cropping limitations.
Glyphosate products differ in concentration and adjuvant requirements. Refer to specific product labels for rate and adjuvant recommendations. Apply when weed is growing actively, at or beyond full bloom, or between August and October at least 8 weeks after last tillage. Do not disturb treated areas for 7 days after application. Do not plant wheat for 45 days for each pint of Banvel or Clarity applied. For best results, use flat-fan nozzles.
Glyphosate products differ in concentration and adjuvant requirements. Refer to specific product labels for rate and adjuvant recommendations. Apply to actively grow bindweed from August to October on land not in crops. Can be applied as a spot treatment in some crops.
Apply with 2 pt/a MSO to actively growing runners on noncropland.
Apply with an adjuvant (2 pt/a MSO or 0.25% NIS) to actively growing runners. For use on CRP, roadsides, and other noncropland sites.
Tordon 22K is a restricted-use pesticide. Can be broadcast and applied to grasslands and fallow cropland. Persistent in soils. See label precautions for aerial application.
Tordon 22K is a restricted-use pesticide. For reduction of field bindweed and for control of many annual weeds after wheat harvest and before planting winter wheat, barley, or oat. Apply after grain harvest and again about mid-May during the fall season. Do not treat Tordon more than once in each calendar year. Avoid spray drift.
Field bindweed is a creeping perennial from Europe, learn more on how to treat it.