Back To: Noxious Weed | Sericia Lespedeza
Sericia Lespedeza is a county option noxious weed declared noxious by board of commissioners. A perennial with erect stems that may reach 5 feet in height. Sericea lespedeza is often a weed of pastures, hay fields, roadsides, and abandoned fields. It is found throughout the southeastern United States. Leaves are arranged alternately along the stem and are divided into 3 smaller leaflets. Individual leaflets range from 1/2 to 3/4 inches long, and have many short hairs on both surfaces.
Apply beginning at flower bud initiation through the full bloom stage of growth. Chaparral may suppress smooth brome, especially during environmental stress. Tall fescue may be stunted.
Apply from beginning of flower bud initiation to full bloom. Note: Do not apply if drought conditions exist at intended time of application.
Apply at 0.625 oz/a beginning at flower bud initiation through the full-bloom stage.
Do not apply to cropland, including rangeland and pasture. Apply when plants are actively growing. use a minimum of 20 gal spray/a for ground application.
Apply when plants are 12 to 15 inches tall in the late spring to early summer before bloom. Use higher rate for dense stands or later stages of growth.
Apply when plants are growing actively in the vegetative stage (June) or in flower (late July to September). Use a minimum of 20 gal spray/a for ground application. For aerial application, use 3 to 5 gal spray/acre.
A restricted-use pesticide. Apply when plants are 12 to 15 inches tall in the late spring to early summer before bloom.
Sericea lespedeza is often a weed of pastures, hay fields, roadsides, and abandoned fields, learn how to treat it.