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Meals On Wheels has grown and is in need of volunteers to deliver meals to seniors within Salina.

Senior Services provides direct services to seniors Monday through Friday. Meals On Wheels, housed at the Senior Center has a full kitchen to provide a hot meal for seniors which can help them stay in their home while providing a daily contact. This program ensures they receive nutritious meals and a friendly conversation with a volunteer or staff member they know. Hot meals are also served within the dining room where socialization is key to maintaining a connection to society.

The growing demand of the rising senior population has increased the need for senior services. Baby Boomers are now retiring at a nation-wide rate of 10,000 per day. The U.S Census Bureau survey lists Saline County with 12,074 or 22% of Saline County’s population that is over the age of 60. The nation-wide average is 6%. This indicates the growing need for a place where seniors can gather for food and/or socialization within Saline County or a hot meal delivered to their home.

When Meals On Wheels started in Salina in 1970, there were only 12 meals delivered a day. Currently there are 17 routes delivering approximately 260 meals. Several routes are getting too large and need split into two routes to make it easier on volunteers. Volunteers deliver every 6th week in a rotation schedule with other volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a Meals On Wheels volunteer please contact Kathy Diaz-Dunn, Meals On Wheels Coordinator at (785) 823-7555 or stop by the Senior Center at 245 North Ninth Street.

Other services provided at the Senior Center are exercise classes conducted daily by volunteers that teach senior yoga, arthritis strength fitness and Tai Chi for breathing. Other classes or groups include art, woodcarving, singing chorus, pool playing, computer lessons, bingo, cards, reading, sewing, crochet and knitting and we consider other classes or group activities as requested.

Internship, Externship, and Volunteer Waiver and Release Form

Meals on Wheels has grown and is in need of volunteers to deliver meals to seniors within Salina. Fill out a form today to help our senior community members. 

Department Senior Services

Meals On Wheels has grown and is in need of volunteers to deliver meals to seniors within Salina.

Senior Services provides direct services to seniors Monday through Friday. Meals On Wheels, housed at the Senior Center has a full kitchen to provide a hot meal for seniors which can help them stay in their home while providing a daily contact. This program ensures they receive nutritious meals and a friendly conversation with a volunteer or staff member they know. Hot meals are also served within the dining room where socialization is key to maintaining a connection to society.

The growing demand of the rising senior population has increased the need for senior services. Baby Boomers are now retiring at a nation-wide rate of 10,000 per day. The U.S Census Bureau survey lists Saline County with 12,074 or 22% of Saline County’s population that is over the age of 60. The nation-wide average is 6%. This indicates the growing need for a place where seniors can gather for food and/or socialization within Saline County or a hot meal delivered to their home.

When Meals On Wheels started in Salina in 1970, there were only 12 meals delivered a day. Currently there are 17 routes delivering approximately 260 meals. Several routes are getting too large and need split into two routes to make it easier on volunteers. Volunteers deliver every 6th week in a rotation schedule with other volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a Meals On Wheels volunteer please contact Kathy Diaz-Dunn, Meals On Wheels Coordinator at (785) 823-7555 or stop by the Senior Center at 245 North Ninth Street.

Other services provided at the Senior Center are exercise classes conducted daily by volunteers that teach senior yoga, arthritis strength fitness and Tai Chi for breathing. Other classes or groups include art, woodcarving, singing chorus, pool playing, computer lessons, bingo, cards, reading, sewing, crochet and knitting and we consider other classes or group activities as requested.

Internship, Externship, and Volunteer Waiver and Release Form

Volunteer Options
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