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Jurors are selected in Saline County District Court for service from a random diskette provided by the KS Department of Revenue Division of Vehicles. If you have obtained a drivers license or ID card in Saline County. The diskette is then placed in the District Court Clerk’s jury computer system which also has a program designed for random jury selection.
You may be excused from jury duty for the following reasons only:
After 6:00 p.m. on the evening immediately preceding your scheduled jury service, you must call the Jury Clerk’s office to check a recording that will indicate whether you will need to report for jury service. This recording will either indicate that the trial will proceed and you will need to report, or the trial was cancelled and you do not need to report.
If you have a physical injury or disability which would prevent you from serving as a juror, the Court requires written documentation from your physician to excuse your attendance.
Saline County residents that have obtained a driver's license or ID card are automatically entered into a system designed for random juror selection to serve at District Court proceedings.